EBCH c/o Murdoch Management, 757 Henderson Highway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2K 2K7
Affordable Rents
Please note that these rates are subject to change.
- One Bedroom Suites – rent est. $660 per month.
- Two Bedroom Suites – rent est. $880 per month.
Rent includes:
- All Utilities (heat, electricity, water, taxes, sewer, building insurance, all building maintenance)
- Laundry.
- Powered parking and on site laundry will also be available (details to follow-not included in rents above).
- Tenants pay their own telephone, (bulk TV satellite service is provided) and household contents insurance.
- Home care provided by the regional health authority, will be available to those who qualify.
- If lower income senior, (under $23,500) then some additional subsidy may be available to assist with rents.
Household Income Limits
- Because the project is government funded affordable housing there are income maximums.
- Maximum household income is $48,454 (exemptions for medical needs apply – letter from doctor recommending residence in project for medical reasons).
For rental information contact Murdoch Management, at 982-2000. (Download an application here). Return the completed application to EBCH c/o Murdoch Management, 757 Henderson Highway, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R2K 2K7.
Fund raising efforts will continue and community support is still needed and appreciated to assist with Phase III. EBCH Directors and the RM of Piney Council will continue to advocate for the 2nd part of Phase III, the proposed 20-unit Personal Care Home and Supportive Housing.
Raising funds is an integral part of bringing this 2nd part of Phase III to reality.
To all the donors and volunteers, we thank you for your past support and we need your continuing support.
EBCH is a registered charity and tax receipts will be issued. To donate, contact EBCH by mail at Box 207, Sprague, MB. R0A 1Z0 or online at www.ebch.ca.
TOGETHER WE CAN make a difference in the lives of our seniors in the RM of Piney and neighboring communities.