
Non Profit Rental Housing

Modest accommodation (as determined by Federal Architectural guidelines) to senior citizens, families, and non-elderly singles. Access is based on a “needs” and “income” basis. Tenants pay a portion of the Rent, the Landlord or Government subsidizes the rent to achieve affordability.

Cooperative Housing

Cooperatives by nature are Non Profit. A Cooperative is formed to provide a Service to its Members, not to generate profit for its shareholders.  Normally, any “surplus” in operations is invested back into the project or in some cases returned to the user of the service (Members) by way of a dividend. Most of our client Co-op's offer subsidized rents to eligible households.

Life Lease Housing

All of our "Life Lease" clients were developed using the Not-For-Profit "made in Manitoba" life lease model specifically to suite the needs of “Seasoned Citizens”. The Not-For-Profit Landlords and the Tenants are protected and guided via the Manitoba Life Lease Act (the only legislation in Canada).

Special Needs Housing

Many of our Non-Profit clients (landlords) have dedicated themselves to providing for the special residential needs of physically and cognitively “challenged” Canadian households. Both "affordability" and different levels of "support" are available in these properties.