404 Desalaberry Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba C/O 757 HENDERSON HIGHWAY WINNIPEG, MANITOBA R2K 2K7
The Columbus Centennial House is built on the banks of the Red River.
The Manitoba State Council of the Knights of Columbus is the sponsor of this non-profit housing cooperative.
Funding assistance to construct this 70 unit seniors housing project was secured through Canada Mortgage & Housing Corporation via the Index Linked Mortgage Program. Located on the banks of the Red River, this development provided 35 units for core need tenants with the remaining units commanding “market rents”.
Sponsor: The Manitoba State Council for Knights of Columbus & Columbus Centennial Seniors Housing Cooperative
Location: 404 Desalaberry Ave. Winnipeg, Manitoba
Category: Senior Citizens (55 plus) – Non Profit COOPERATIVE Housing
Unit Mix: 70 suites, 1 and 2 bedroom layouts
Amenities: Extensive internal multipurpose area
Subsidies: Rent Supplement is available to 35 suites for rent-geared-to-income.
Management: Developed by ACORN – Managed by Murdoch Management.